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Heisei Suede | Elephant Château

Elephant Château
110 €
 Elephant Château
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Heisei Suede | Deep Khaki/Gr

Deep Khaki/Gr
110 €
 Deep Khaki/Gr
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Ensō Suede | Peat Green

Peat Green
139,90 €
 Peat Green
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Quality Quality
Our products are made with unique, durable and planet-friendly materials.
Comfort Comfort
We use innovation and research to design practical and comfortable products.

Discover our collection of women's shoes.

Shoes that tell a story and capture your essence and distinctive style. This is our new collection of women's shoes, designed for those who value comfort, quality and authenticity. We have created a complete and diverse online catalog, where finding the perfect model for every occasion will be very easy.

Your essence and unique style, find your perfect pair

Did you know that you can choose from more than ten basic colors with different designs and finishes? Satorisan women's shoes stand out for their originality and will allow you to show off a unique look wherever you go. They are unlike any other shoes you've ever seen, combining elegance and comfort with every step.

At Satorisan, we offer a wide variety of models of women's shoes, adapted to all tastes and needs. Our goal is to make sure you feel comfortable while customizing your style and moving away from the conventional.

Whether for walking, working, enjoying your leisure time or relaxing, or to match your favorite outfits for special events, there's a pair for every occasion.

How to match Satorisan women's shoes

Our range of colors and designs offers you versatile solutions for any time of the day. Satorisan women's shoes can be paired with leggings, shorts, jeans or dresses, allowing you to let your imagination run wild - the limit is up to you!

Types of women's shoes at Satorisan

The originality of the designs and the quality of the materials are the hallmark of Satorisan women's shoes. Here are some of our most outstanding models:

Satorisan's collection of shoes is designed to provide you with maximum comfort on your busiest days. You can choose between the robustness and presence of the Chacrona range or the softer, more urban style of the Heisei collection.

Vegan shoes: Discover the Heisei Gaia Terra 2 model, made of recycled organic cotton and RPET laces. These shoes reflect our commitment to sustainability and respect for the environment.

If you are looking for other types of footwear, we also offer a variety of shoes, like our Leather Women's Shoes adapting to all styles and preferences.

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